U.S.D. 273

Special Planning Committee Meeting

September 15, 2014


The USD 273 Board of Education met in a special planning session yesterday evening at the Board Office. Three items were on the agenda.


First up was the finalization of the Beloit Elementary School addition. The architect was on hand to discuss last minute modifications to the previous plan. The changes were minor in nature and did not change the basic design. Bids are scheduled to be let in one week with the intent on using local contractors as much as possible. According to the architect, once the bids are received the final numbers will be available.

In the building plans are provisions for a tornado shelter. The technology lab is a room encased in steel reinforced concrete that would hold one hundred twenty-five students and function as a safe room in case of a tornado.

A motion was made, seconded and passed seven to zero to enter into a purchase lease agreement with the Solomon Valley Bank for the amount of two million, one hundred fifteen thousand dollars to fund the building project. The grant application for this project will be announced on October fifteenth.

If the grant proposal moves forward as expected, work could begin on the project right away. The Beloit city crews are currently on site burying power lines which would need to be done whether or not the building process moves forward. An expected completion date of July first is feasible if construction can begin in the near future.


Stephanie Litton, Jr. High Counselor and Tammy Roberts, School Nurse, presented the proposed Human Sexuality Curriculum for Board approval. The proposed curriculum passed seven to zero with not much discussion.

Considerable time was spent discussing long term and short term needs of the district. The focus was on “what do we have that will need to be replaced and how and when will we do them.” An example was the elementary school playground equipment. The current equipment has been in place for twelve years. This equipment has an expected lifetime of eight to ten years. Knowing that it has already exceeded its expected life, provisions need to be made to replace it in an orderly fashion. A long list of items for the schools was discussed as a preliminary step in the planning process. The underlying thought is to plan for things that will need to be replaced rather that dealing with them in a crisis mode when they wear out.