USD 273 Board Of Education Meeting Nov 14


Unified School District #273


Monday, November 14, 2016


By Terry Bailey



The Beloit Unified School District #273 conducted their November meeting at the Board Office Monday evening, November 14th. All members were present. Board President Jason Johnson called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30 p.m.


Beloit Jr. Sr. High Student Council president Jarred Long, gave the board a report on the activities of the Student Council. In October STUCO conducted a Sock-tober activity to collect socks for the Beloit Ministerial Alliance to distribute to those in need. The program was very successful with 356 pairs of socks donated. STUCO conducted the third annual blood drive with great success. Long reported that the Blood Drive personnel were very complimentary of the attitudes of the Beloit High students. Long said that the STUCO is sponsoring a Wacky Wednesday once per month. On this day the students are encouraged to dress up following a school wide theme. It has seen a high rate of participation by the student body. Finally STUCO is getting ready for the Annual Food Drive. They have set this year’s goal at 1,400 points. The Board of Education voted to allow the student body the last half of the school day before the Christmas Break off as a reward if they meet their goal.


Cassie Kopsa gave a report concerning the activities of the Site Council to the Board.


A representative of the P.T.O. updated the Board on that organization’s activities. The group is still attempting to collect Trojan wear articles such as T-shirts. They hope to collect gently worn articles to make available to students who do not have Trojan related items to wear on school spirit days. The PTO has selected The Secret Lives of Pets as the Christmas movie to be shown on December 19th.


In his report Superintendent Jeff Travis thanked the NCK Tech College for donating a welder for the Beloit High Ag Shop.


Travis told the Board he is suggested a one hour late start one day each month during the spring semester. The reason for the late start is to allow curriculum groups such as math teachers, science teachers and so forth to meet and work on issues such as curriculum alignment. Currently teachers do not have the time to work on such important topics. Travis said he would give them information to consider and ask for a vote on the idea during the December meeting.


Karen Niemczyk, Beloit Special Ed Coop Director, reported on the Work Experience Program being developed for Special Ed students. Topics such a shopping, budgeting, and work skills will be included in the program.


The Board approved an application form to be used to apply for scholarships from the Endowment Association.


Beloit Elementary Principal Brady Dean told the Board that the elementary school parent teacher conferences experienced a 94% participation rate.


The Elementary School is participating in a “Fill the Shelves” of the Mitchell County Food Pantry. Their goal is 2,000 items of food. Each day has a special focus – Macaroni Monday, Tuna Tuesday, Washing Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, and Fruity Friday.


Dean announced the Friends of BES for October are: the Economy Shop for donations to the Trojan Store, the sparkling Liz Fixsen for organizing the school marathon, and Ray’s Apple Market for the Fruit Fridays for the school marathon activity.


Casey Seyfert, Beloit Jr. Sr. High principal, reported a 66% parent attendance rate at the recent parent-teacher conferences. As would be expected the 7th grade had the highest attendance at 76% and the senior parents were the lowest attendees with a 66% rate.


The FFA is busy with many activities. They recently attended a Leadership School in Salina. The fruit sales started on November 2nd and will run through November 18th. They are attempting to surpass last year’s total of $23,000.


The Beloit High Scholars Bowl was conducted on October 25th under the direction of Ms. Wildfong.


This past weekend Beloit High band and orchestra students participated at Hays and will travel to Dodge City for the Western Kansas Orchestra Festival on November 18th. Seyfert anticipates three busloads of BHS students will be participating in this activity.


The production of Once Upon a Mattress was very well received by those in attendance. Seyfert said the students put on a first class performance and he received many positive compliments.


The Board approved an updated school policy which established the rental cost of the Elementary School gym at $35 per hour.


The Board also approved a board policy for Emergency Safety Intervention procedures.


An updated coaching assignment list was approved naming Kyle Beisner as assistant boys’ basketball coach, Crystal Dillner at assistant girls’ basketball coach, and Casey Seyfert as assistant junior high track coach.