Beloit City Council Meeting Tuesday May 1st



Beloit City Counciln Tuesday, May 1, 2018




By Terry Bailey



Beloit City Council members braved the wind and the rain and the tornado alerts to conduct their biweekly meeting Tuesday evening. All Councilors were in attendance as well as Mayor Tom Naasz, City Manager Jason Rabe, City Attorney Katie Schroeder, and City Clerk Amanda Lomax.


All Councilors expressed deep appreciation for the much needed rainfall.

City Manager Rabe reported the FAA is happy with the work being done at the airport. The ALC Master Plan is about completed.


The Court Street drainage project is progressing nicely. The crews are getting a lot of work done. At times it seems as if it is an archeological dig with all the bottles, cans and miscellaneous artifacts they are unearthing.


The Little Red Schoolhouse renovation project is near completion. Paint crews are awaiting a somewhat calm day to coat the building with primer and then a coat of red paint on the exterior. The school bell and a refurbished belfry have been put in place. The Little Red Schoolhouse coordinating committee will meet this Thursday to view informational signs that are being donated by Bell Memorial. There seems to be no doubt that the building will be ready for its rededication ceremonies over the Memorial Day Weekend.

Rabe informed the Council that the Safe Routes to School project in nearing the starting phase. This project will construct a network of sidewalks that will allow kids better and safer routes to and from school.

The City-Wide Clean Up that is usually right after the City Wide Garage Sale, has been postponed to a fall date. The Court Street project is labor intensive and all the city workers are dedicated to that project.

Economic Specialist Heather Hartman has recently attended workshops aimed at gaining skills and competence in the many areas her work demands.

Hartman also reported she is working on the next Housing Rehab grant application.

The Council approved the hiring of Tyler Sutton as a new employee of the Beloit Fire Department. The Council also approved Jason Rinaldo (Ra-nal-do) to a spot on the Planning Commission.


An engineering contract in the amount of $19,500 to develop a plan for the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system at the North Campus was approved.


Rabe explained the new purchasing policy to the Council. This was followed by a discussion of the City’s policy of giving local vendors a 10% window on bids that compete with outside vendors.


City Attorney Schroeder reviewed the recently proposed City Cemetery Ordinance and highlighted the additions and omissions from the original copy she submitted at an earlier meeting.


Having addressed all the items on the Agenda, the meeting was adjourned.