By Terry Bailey

The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their regular weekly business meeting at the Courthouse Monday morning, October 7. All Commissioners and the County Clerk were present.
David Dohe, Mitchell County Emergency Preparedness Director, was present to discuss a recent unauthorized burn west of Cawker City. Because of the drought and the high winds at the time, no permits were being issued for outside burning activities.
On October 4, 2023, Mitchell County Resolution 23-3 was published in the Beloit Call outlining the process that must be followed regarding ANY outside burning.
The Resolution sates: Any person desiring to do controlled burning of grass, leaves, crops, crop residue, weeds, trash, structures, field, fencerows, ravines or wild lands, shall make application for a burn permit to be furnished by the Mithell County Communications Center (785-736-3523). The application's contents shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
• The 911 location of the burn
• The number of acres
• The owner of the property
• The tenant of the property (if any)
• The substance to be burned
• The name of the person responsible for the controlled burn operation
In this recent unauthorized burning situation, the undersheriff was dispatched to investigate the situation. It was discovered that no permit had been requested for this outside burning arrangement. Undersheriff Martin issued a citation to the person conducting the burn.
Dohe requested a five-minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel. No decisions were made as a result of this closed session.
Superintendent of Public Works, Marty Hernandez, was present and requested a 15-minute executive session for the purpose of discussing employee evaluations. No actions were taken as a result of that closed session.
Janelle Kircher, CEO of the Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems, appeared for one of her regularly scheduled visits with the Commissioners. Kircher introduced Ashlyn Loomis, a senior at Beloit Jr. Sr. High School. Loomis is one of eight students participating in a nine-week job shadowing experience at the Hospital. Kircher told the Commissioners that most students who do job shadowing at the hospital are exploring careers in health services such as nurses or physicians. Loomis is different because she is interested in the business aspect of health care.
Kircher reported that 115 youngsters participated in the Teddy Bear Clinic at the hospital.
She also told the Commissioners that the Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems has been named as one of the 350 Cleanest Hospitals in America.
Kircher informed the Commissioners that Dr. Owen, the new staff surgeon, is now at the hospital fulltime offering surgical practice in Beloit.
Architects are examining the 400 hallway. It was built in 1960 and is due for structural updated. This should allow for more efficient use of the area.
A Ladies Night Out activity will take place on October 9 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This free event will be devoted to women's health and wellness. A physicians panel consisting of Dr. Banker and Dr. Owens, general surgeons, Dr. Pendergast, GYN, Dr. Cheney, Family Practice, Dr. Marozas, Family Practice, and Dr. You, Family Practice. Additionally, seventeen local vendors will be on hand to showcase their services.
The Commissioners listened to a presentation regarding a possible employee benefit opportunity. This company, based in Ada, Oklahoma, offers numerous programs that many employees might find worth learning about.
Commission Chairperson Tom Claussen commented, "You have a good product here. About everyone can use some part of the program."
The Commissioners gave their approval for a time to be set up for employees to listen to the benefits of the program.
County Clerk Heather Weston requested an executive session for the purpose of discussing employee evaluations.
Having addressed all it items on the printed agenda, the meeting was adjourned.


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