By Terry Bailey

The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their weekly meeting at the Courthouse on Monday morning, March 3. Commissioners Tom Claussen and Cole Eberle and the County Clerk Heather Weston were present. Commissioner Mike Riemann was absent.
One topic on the agenda drew quite a crowd, with a standing room only situation. The topic - mandatory drug and alcohol testing for all county employees. Currently Marty Hernandez's Road and Bridge 19-person crew participate in a scheduled, random testing program.
Most counties in Kansas require the participation of all employees in a random, mandatory drug testing program. A program such as this will get Mitchell County in sync with the rest of the state.
The testing has a cost of $6.50 per person per month. Commissioner Cole Eberle suggested that the county invite two testing companies to come to a commissioners meeting and discuss the many aspects of a testing program.
The process will come together over time as all the details of such a mandatory program are worked out.
Mitchell County Sheriff Tony Perez reported the bill to provide meals for all the prisoners in the jail was $9,800.86.
David Dohe, Emergency Management Department, shared that once an employee in Lincoln County tested positive on a drug test. He was allowed to continue working but he had to participate in random testing and participate drug and alcohol workshops. He was eventually fired.
A Neighborhood Revitalization Grant was approved for Blue Hills Hatchery to construct a 30'x20'x8' hatchery building with a 20'x21'x8' addition for $49.000.
Thiessen Cattle Company's yearly operating certificate was renewed with no concerns whatsoever.
Two cereal malt beverages licenses, one for on-site and one for off-site consumption, were approved for Waconda Shoes. This business has taken over Norman's.
Lynn Imboden reported the action on replacing the time clock. Software updates and other tweaking of the current time clock can be done for around $11,000 rather than spending over $30,000 for a new system.
Dawn Snyder, representing the 12th Judicial District, was present for her yearly visit. She said, "I am not here asking for more money. The grant amounts are the same as last year. We are mandated by law to visit with each county hand have them sign off on the grant amounts."
The first grant was for the Adult compensation plan grant for $391,201.10. The second was for $292,469.94 for Juvenile Comprehensive plan grant. The third grant was for a Juvenile Evidence-based program grant for $212,404.90
Having addressed all the items on the printed agenda, the meeting was adjourned.



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