BELOIT CITY COUNCIL – Wednesday, March 15, 2023

By Terry Bailey

The Beloit City Council met on Wednesday evening at City Hall to attend to the business of the City. Andrew Grabon, Lee McMillian, Gretchin Staples and Tony Gengler attended in person. Todd Adolph participated via Zoom. Jamie Meier and Tom Naasz were absent. Also present were City Manager Jason Rabe, City Attorney Katie Schroeder, and City Clerk Amanda Lomax.
City Attorney Schroeder reported on activity at the State Capitol. Her main concern is the movement to remove sales tax on food in Kansas, both the state tax and the local tax. She said most small communities need the sales dollars to make their budgets work out. They are in favor of removing the state tax but want to keep the local sales tax. With the income from sales tax the local governments can keep the property tax lower. She encouraged anyone who was interested to call and express their thoughts.
City Manager Rabe reported that inspectors had just visited the solar farm with a very positive report.
He also said there are lots of dollars available via different grant programs.
Rabe reported that before too long the Chautauqua Pool will be up and running. He feels good because the pool is completely staffed including lifeguards. This summer all of the previous summer's COVID restrictions will no longer be in force.
The City has received six moderate income housing assistance applications.
This summer a crew will be at Moritz airport to do repair work on the tarmac.
This summer will see work continuing on the Mill Street corridor. The decking will be replaced on the walking bridge over the Solomon River to Chautauqua Park. He estimates the cost to be approximately $70,000.
The Council approved two resolutions declaring structures to be unfit. One is located at 128 Roosevelt and the other at 412 West 4th. The City Attorney will notify the owners and provide time for the owner to make adequate repairs or the structure will be demolished.
A contract was approved for $74,600 to perform the west drainage repair project.
Rabe reported a contractor has been located who can install the Bar Screen at the Sewer Plant. This is a very complicated process. The Council approved a contract for $65,385.
The City accepted a bid from EMC to provide property insurance for the City in the upcoming year.


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