By Terry Bailey
The Beloit City Council met to dispose of the business of the City Wednesday evening, November 1st. All Councilors were present with the exception of Jamie Meier. Also in attendance were Mayor Tom Naasz, City Clerk/interim City Manager Mandi Lomax, and City Attorney Katie Schroeder.
In the time reserved for comments from the Councilors, praise was given to the significant post season success to Beloit High and St. John's athletic teams.
Mandi Lomax expressed optimism about the status of the affairs of the City saying, "Everything is going well. The balances of all our accounts are well in hand."
Lomax reported that with this month's payment, the loan on the older fire truck will be paid off. Sales tax receipts continue to show positive results."
Lomax reviewed a preliminary floor plan for the building to replace the White Building at the Chautauqua Park that had been developed by Lynn Miller. Lomax told the Councilors that this was a very preliminary plan but would serve as a starting point when and if it was passed on the architect to develop a final plan. The plan included a meeting room, several storage areas, a kitchen area, a twelve-foot wrap around porch, and a large dining/gathering area. Lomax said the current building is 40'x80' and the proposed replacement building would measure 120'x80'.
Chief of Police Chad Lackey updated the Council on the activities of his department. Lackey reported the recent membership in an interagency consortium which will allow the City of access many programs available through the Department of Justice. The membership fee is $100.
Lackey also told the Council about recent activity related to the use of Narcan in case of drug overdose situations. He said Mitchell County EMS is taking a leadership role in providing training in treating drug overdose cases. Lackey said plans are being made for a district wide inservice to staff and support personnel of USD #273. Plans are made to a presentation to the Board on November 12 to discuss when and where this inservice will be held.
Lackey enthusiastically reported that about 400 kids were present for the Trunk or Treat program at the Lutheran Church parking lot.
A decree of Eminent Domain was passed to allow the city to appropriate land as needed for the proposed water line to Beloit from the Waconda Lake.
A public hearing was opened to discuss the water budget. Nobody was present to speak for or against the proposed budget. The budgeted amount was $1,815,462. The prosed amended budget was $2,199,397. The amended budget amount was passed.
Colleen Ebele was on hand to make a presentation regarding the progress of the work on the new city logo.
A 15-minute executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters. No decisions were made as a result of the closed session.
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