By Terry Bailey
The Beloit City Council conducted their regular bi-weekly meeting Wednesday night at City Hall. All Councilors were present with the exception of Andrew Grabon. Also in attendance were City Manager Halley Roberson, City Attorney Katie Schroeder and City Clerk Mandy Lomax.
At the beginning of the meeting City Manager Roberson said, "I have a big announcement that is very good news. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has given final approval to the new Water Plant plans. We are good to go forward. Schwab-Eaton will now be able to put out feelers regarding possible contractors who might have interest in bidding the job."
Robeson displayed a poster that will prominently displayed around Beloit. It pertains to the nationwide initiative to determine what type of water connections that are present in every house in Beloit. Roberson said, "This is not a City of Beloit initiative, nor does it come from the state of Kansas. It is a national movement."
Everyone will receive a survey and they are urged to fill it out. A mailing of postcards will follow up to those not returning the survey.
Roberson addressed the purchase of excess solar energy from residential units. She said it was believed the price paid back to residential units was too high. Should a downturn occur the city may be in a bind overpaying for excess solar energy. She said a study will be undertaken to determine the best market value reimbursement for excess residential solar energy.
Chief of Police Chad Lackey said he has hired a new police officer, Devon Crawford from Osborne. He thought he had another officer hired but it fell apart at the last minute.
Lackey said he will join with Missy McGinnis and Nicki Cleveland to perform a NARCAN Inservice for Unified School District #273 personnel. After the training is completed, NARCAN medicine will be available in school buildings.
A significant discussion took place regarding two possible moderate income housing projects. A recent proposal consisted of building ten houses in two years. A new proposal from Cornerstone just surfaced with the possibility of building two houses a year for five years amounting to ten houses in five years.
The Council approved a No Parking restriction on the north side of Main Street from Pine Street all the way east to Highway 24. There has been considerable traffic congestion in this area.
Three bids were received for a new pickup. They were F-250 or GMC 2500 models.
Jim Clark $54,409
Beloit GMC $54,291
Beloit Auto Truck Plaza $62,215
The Council voted to accept the low bid from Beloit GMC.
A request from Pumphrey Trucking for a one-month extension for the completion of the lime removal project was approved. Wetter than usual weather in March has slowed the completion of the work. Councilors reported numerous positive comments on the work done by Pumphrey Trucking.
It was reported that the insurance premiums for the City saw a $72,000 increase for the upcoming year. Of that total, $47,000 was attributed to the power plant.
A substation relay upgrade in the amount of $18,750 was approved. This is for the substation located seven miles outside of town.
Roberson reported that due the unavailability of cars, pickups and machinery during the COVID pandemic the City of Beloit has fallen behind in its regular systematic rotation of vehicles. It was impossible to replace a vehicle when there were none available. She is hoping to put together some of the older vehicle and utilizing trade ins and outright sales of vehicles to raise enough money to buy two police vehicles this year rather than just one.
The Council discussed how to best address car traffic in a congested foot traffic area east of the ballfield south of the High School. Because of the danger presented to people walking in this area, the Council decided to restrict automobile traffic in this area, understanding this may not be well received by those used to driving in this area.
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