By Terry Bailey
The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their weekly business meeting at the Courthouse om Monday, September 9. All Commissioners and the County Clerk were present for the meeting.
First off, the Commissioners recognized that September 9 is Patriots Day. They also remembered that Wednesday, September 11, is the annual observance of the national tragedy in September of 2001.
The Commissioners signed off on a ROZ Grant that should yield a payoff of $10,000.
A public hearing was opened for discussion purposes regarding Mitchell County Fire District #1. Because their requested budget exceeded the Revenue Neutral Rate (RNR), by law the hearing is required. Fire District #1 currently has a budget of $66,000. They are requesting $72,000 in their 2025 fiscal year.
With no one appearing to speak for or against the issue, the meeting was adjoined.
A vote was held regarding Fire District #1 budget request. It was approved unanimously.
The Commissioners spoke a short time considering the school district bond issue and how it might affect the county's budget.
It appears the Senator Jerry Moran has earmarked money for Mitchell County. The actual amount will soon be known.
Having addressed all items on the printed agenda, the meeting was adjourned.
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