By Terry Bailey

The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their weekly meeting at the Courthouse on Monday morning, July 24. Commissioners Jim Marshall and Tom Claussen were present. Assistant County Clerk Lynne Imboden sat in for Heather Weston, County Clerk. Commissioner Mike Cooper was absent.
The Commissioners wanted to express their condolences to the family of Darrel Oetting. Mr. Oetting, a former Lincoln County Commissioner, recently passed away unexpectedly. Mr. Oetting was well liked and respected by people in North Central Kansas.
Missy McGinnis, EMT director, was on hand with two of her employees. She told the Commissioners that her department is down three full-time employees from being fully staffed. She said an EMT class will be offered soon, and she hopes to pick up some employees from that class.
McGinnis told the Commissioners about her search for a Stanley Steemer business to get a bid on cleaning the air circulation ducts at the ambulance barn. She located the closest franchise and she learned they do not make calls to Beloit. She did find a Mighty Duct franchise in Salina. They gave her a bid of $2,950 to do the work at the ambulance barn.
A question was posed, "Has the ductwork been examined by someone knowledgeable in such work?"
The answer was "No."
The Commissioners requested the Courthouse Maintenance Supervisor Brian Streit conduct an initial inspection and report his findings to the Commissioners to decide how to proceed.
McGinnis told the Commissioners the EMS has three excess ambulance cots that they have not been recently used and have no plans to be used in the future. She has located a vendor that will buy these cots for $6,100. The Commissioners authorized McGinnis to sell the cots for that price.
The new bumper will be installed on the ambulance on Wednesday morning at C&R body shop.
Brent Cunningham from Cunningham Telephone and Cable Company gave the Commissioners an update on the various projects underway to modernize the systems in each of the Counties served by their business. He requested the Commissioners provide a letter of support for an upcoming grant to help with their modernization efforts. The Commissioners agreed to do so.
Cortney Murrow, County Health Nurse, said she was working on a $5,000 grant proposal with the Medical Foundation.
Murrow said she and her staff have been working on cosmetic improvements on the rooms at the Specialty Clinic area of the Health Department. Murrow said, "Looks do matter and small improvements can make a difference,"
She said that the specialists that see patients in Beloit pay $50 per visit day. This results in $500 and $750 per month for the use of the Specialty Clinic Rooms.
Having addressed all the items on the printed agenda, the meeting was adjourned.