Representative Tracey Mann Conducts Open House Meeting

By Terry Bailey

Tracey Mann stopped by the Port Library at 12:30 yesterday afternoon (August 3, 2023) to make himself available for questions from local voters. This is part of his listening tour of the "Big First" congressional district which Mann represents in the national House of Representatives. The First Congressional District is composed of 60 counties of western and central Kansas. It is the eleventh largest geographic district in the U.S. House. It is the third largest agricultural producing district in America. It has more colleges, community colleges and Technical Colleges than any other district in the U.S. House. It ranks number one in beef, wheat and milo production. The First has 68 hospitals, the most of any district.
Mann displayed a graphic showing what he has done since taking office in January of 2021. These include:
• Supported Kansas Agriculture
• Pushed back hard against programs of the Biden Administration
• Opposed Reckless Spending
• Strongly defended the Second Amendment.
• Stood up for Kansas businesses
Mann had another graphic entitled, "Doing For Kansas Now"
• Advocate for Agriculture
• Building an economy that is strong
• Protecting our Nation
• Securing a future that is built on freedom
• Holding the government accountable and conducting oversight.
Mann hit on the highlights of the upcoming farm bill which is rewritten every five years. He shared that the money in the bill is divided between Food and Nutrition with 81% of the total and everything else with a 19% share. He said he is taking a strong stand to make crop insurance available to farmers. He said the House members should have the text of the bill in early September. He was not sure when a final vote by the House would take place.
Mann told the 25 attendees that he was opposed to anything that would weaken the Second Amendment and was against any United States funding of the World Health Organization. Mann expressed concerns that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) is out of control and that Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is weaponizing the government and oversight is needed.
Mann expressed his opposition to Biden's forgiveness of student loans. In general he felt we need to be vigilant to the actions of the Radical Left.