BELOIT CITY COUNCIL – Wednesday, September 6, 2023

By Terry Bailey

The Beloit City Council met in regular session on September 6, 2023. Mayor Tom Naasz called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Council Members in attendance were Andrew Grabon, Tony Gengler, Todd Adolph, Jamie Meier, Lee McMillan and Gretchin Staples. Also, present was City Attorney Katie Schroeder, Interim City Manager Mandy Lomax, and Amy Sahlfeld.
City Attorney Katie Schroeder reported that she and acting city manager Mandy Lomax will be presenting career opportunities to the BHS JAG-K on Friday, September 8th.
Schroeder also reported the sheriff's sale will be October 12th and the Beloit Land Bank will bid on properties.
Interim City Manager Mandy Lomax reported on the following:
1. Sales Tax Revenue Update
2. Airport AWOS System update - FAA is reviewing the paperwork for the system and is scheduled to be shipped October 6th and installed at the end of October.
3. Solar Farm update.
4. The new fire truck is set to be inspected next week
5. Parks and Recreation received a $5,000.00 grant from Solomon Valley Community Foundation for a pickle ball court at Chautauqua Park.
Community Development Director Emily Benedick reported the Willow Springs Courtyard Committee vision for the courtyard and the benefits this pocket park would bring to the community. Ordinance 2335 for the Chamber of Commerce Special Event License for Millapoolza September 30th was approved.
Ordinance 2336 for the Solomon Valley Eagles Special Event License for September 16th was approved.
Ordinance 2337 for The Kettle Special Event License for Millapoolza September 30th was approved.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved in regard to the Letter of Understanding with The Austin Peters Group in the amount not to exceed an additional $7,250.00 for the city manager search.
The updated recruitment profile for the city manager's search was approved.
The North Campus Master Plan development plan with Schwab-Eaton for $12,500.00 was approved.
The mower bid for a JD Z920M Commercial Zero Turn Mower from Carrico Implement for $8,000.00 was accepted.
The contract for City Attorney, Katie Schroeder, was approved.
The Council entered into a closed session to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations for a period of 10 minutes.
The business meeting was adjourned, and the work session was called to order.
Colleen Eberle provided the Council with four new logo options for consideration that the steering committee has recommended. These designs will be discussed at the next meeting.
Interim City Manager Mandy Lomax discussed viable financing options for a new white building at Chautauqua Park and asked if the Council had any interest in moving forward with this project. The consensus was to get preliminary design and cost estimates.
Interim City Manager Mandy Lomax discussed a 100' x 80' building addition for Systems Operations that is on the adopted CIP (Community Improvement Plan) and asked Council if they would be open to moving the project forward. The consensus was to move forward.
A petition to eliminate truck traffic along South Elm from East Main to the railroad tracks was discussed. This will be brought back to the next meeting for approval.
A request from the St John's High School to create a No Parking zone on Cherry Street west of the high school was discussed. This will be brought back at the next meeting for further consideration.