By Terry Bailey

The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their weekly meeting at the Courthouse Monday morning, November 13th. All Commissioners and the County Clerk were present.
The Commissioners voted to reappoint Jerica King for another three-year term as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems.
Commissioner Tom Claussen read from a press release from the United States Air Force which intends to build new structures to serve as "Bed down" locations for the new B-21 bomber. This aircraft is expected to replace the B-1 and the B-2 bombers currently in use.
The "Bed down" areas will be at the Dyess Air Force Base in Texas and the Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. The public announcement is to alert the public that they may hear or see the new aircraft operating over North Central Kansas. In reality, they will operate at such a high altitude that they will never be seen.
Eva Delay of Cawker City was present to represent Moms For America. The role of this group is to encourage mothers and families to become involved in local, state, and national government. She announced there is a meeting of Post Rock Republican Women at the Pizza Hut in Beloit Saturday, November 18th. All interested people are encouraged to attend.
Phil Murrow, Sanitation Engineer, was present to discus people not securing a well drilling permit before, during, after drilling a well. The Commissioners and Murrow discussed how best to deal with this ignoring of the laws regarding well drilling.
After considerable discussion, it was decided to defer any action until the December meeting of the Four County Organization.
In discussion of a Christmas celebration for County employees it was decided not to have a dance this year. This has been no dance for several years. Instead, the Commissioners will award Beloit Chamber Bucks to employees. Full-time employees will get $150 and part-time employees will receive $75.
Stuart Porter, County Engineer, was present to give paperwork regarding a replacement bridge in southeast Mitchell County for 2024. The total cost of the bridge will be $825,000. Funding from the state of Kansas will cover most of the cost. Mitchell County's share will be around $110,000.
As a matter of information, Porter announced there were 230 bridges in Mitchell County.
The Commissioners in conjunction with Heather Weston canvassed questionable votes from the election. There were 12 provisional votes to be considered. Ten of these votes were counted in the overall total and two were not counted.
Weston said the voting percentage for last Tuesday's election for Mitchell County was 17%.
Having considered all the items on the published agenda, the meeting was adjourned.