By Terry Bailey
The Beloit City Council met in regular session on February 7, 2024, in the Council Chambers. Mayor Tom Naasz called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following people present: Andrew Grabon, Todd Adolph, Gretchin Staples and Tony Gengler. Also, present was City Attorney Katie Schroeder, City Manager Halley Roberson, and City Clerk Mandy Lomax. Absent from the meeting was Lee McMillan.
City Manager Halley Roberson reported on the following:
• She attended KMU Legislative Day in Topeka.
• She met with representatives of NCK Trail and had preliminary discussions regarding bike trails.
• She attended a solar meeting regarding extending the solar field.
• Met with Midland for plans to move forward with GIS efforts.
• Water Treatment Plant updates regarding KDHE and the Bureau of Reclamation. The appears to be more roadblocks for the new water plant.
Emily Benedick, Director of Economic Development, reported on the following:
• Youth Entrepreneurship is scheduled for March 7th.
• Brownfield grant opportunity for North Campus Administrative building.
Police Chief Chad Lackey reported on the following:
• Narcan training update.
• New Durango update.
Ordinance 2343, a Special Event Permit for Waconda Struttin' Dusters was approved by the Council.
Ordinance 2344, a Special Event Permit for Ducks Unlimited was approved.
Resolution 2024-3 Declaring Eminent Domain for a portion of South Street was approved.
Resolution 2024-4 2024, RAISE Grant Submittal for Gaylord Street, and North Walnut Street Improvements Project was approved.
Resolution 2024-5 Appointing Chris Wagner to the Planning Commission was approved.
The Council adjourned into a ten-minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel. When the regular session resumed it was announce that no decisions had been made in the closed session.
City Manager Halley Roberson was appointed as Director 2 for the voting delegate for KMEA Board of Directors.
The updated Water Conservation Plan was approved.
Permission was approved for Olsson to proceed with the engineering planning for the Blue Hangar at Moritz Memorial Airport.
The Council voted to approve Phase I of The Willow Springs Courtyard and to contribute $28,805.00 towards the project.
Having addressed all the items on the printed agenda, the meeting was adjourned.