By Terry Bailey

The Mitchell County Commissioners held their regular weekly meeting at the Courthouse Monday morning. All Commissioners and the County Clerk were present for the meeting.
The Commissioners were in receipt of a letter from the Selective Service Director of the State of Kansas.
The Commissioners will take this under advisement and be open to someone who would like to serve in this capacity. Commissioner Tom Claussen said, "I think I would enjoy serving, but because I was in the military, I am disqualified."
If anyone is interested in this position, please contact the County Clerk or one of the Commissioners.
The meeting began with Director of Courthouse Maintenance Brian Streit requesting a 15-minute Executive Session. No decisions were made as a result of that closed session.
Commissioner Tom Claussen stated, "The topics we have been discussing with Brian will soon be discussed in open session. Currently we are sorting through things, so we have a good understanding of the situation."
Up next was Mitchell County Sheriff Tony Perez. Perez was on hand to discuss the "boot" allowance and to request an increase in that allowance. Currently the County provides $150 to each officer to buy a pair of work boots each year. Perez was requesting an increase to $200 per year because of the effect of inflation.
Commissioner Jim Marshall commented with emphasis, "I think it is unfair to other County employees for us to buy a pair of boots for the Sheriff's officers and force other employees to pay for their own work shoes. I know many of the men on the road and bridge crew have to buy at least one pair of boots each year and most likely two pairs. The work they do requires slogging though all kinds of stuff on a daily basis."
When asked how long this practice has been in effect, Perez answered, "It has been this way as long as I can remember."
When asked how many officers take advantage of this policy, Perez responded, "I would say about five men each year."
Commissioner Tom Claussen said, "I am in favor of leaving it the way it is with a yearly stipend of $150. They should be thankful that we are not ending this policy because of the inequity it involves."
When asked what happens if the officer buys a pair of boots in excess of the $150 allowance, Perez replied, "Lately some of the officers have favored the DANNER brand and they cost in the neighborhood of $200. They have to pay the excess cost of the $150 allowance."
Commissioner Mike Cooper announced, "I am in support of Sheriff Perez request. I move we increase the allowance to $200."
Chairperson Tom Claussen asked for a second to Cooper's motion. None was forthcoming. As per Parliamentary procedure dictates, he asked twice more for a second and none was given. Claussen declared the motion failed for a lack of a second.
Commissioner Jim Marshall said, "I move we leave the allowance as it is at $150."
Claussen seconded the motion.
Claussen the put the question, "All in favor of the motion say Aye."
Claussen and Marshall voted Aye.
Claussen asked for those opposed to the motion say Nay.
Cooper voted Nay.
Claussen declared the motion was passed two for and one against.
Having addressed all the items on the printed agenda, the meeting was adjourned.