By Terry Bailey
The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their regular meeting at the Courthouse Monday morning, April 8. All Commissioners and the County Clerk were present.
The Commissioners approved Proclamation 24-14 which addressed the expenses of the Presidential Preference Primary election. The cost of the election was $11,156.35. Heather Weston, County Clerk, said she would submit the bill to the State. If all goes well, the County will be reimbursed by the State for the expense of the Primary election.
The Commissioners also approved a proclamation proposed by Men's Health Magazine. The proclamation names June as Men's Health Month recognizing the it is not just a men's issue, but a total family issue.
Three Neighborhood Revitalization Grants were approved. The first was for the Solomon Valley Economic Development group to remodel the old Duckwall building. The costs of the job included $255,000 for materials and $200,000 for labor totaling a bill of $455,000.
The next was an award to Dustin and Sharra Odle for a 32'x48'x10' new residential building in the amount of $80,625.
The third grant was to Aaron Eberle for a new house and garage in the amount of $210.000.
Marty Hernandez, Superintendent of Public Works, reported on the North Central Kansas Highway Officials Association meeting he attended in McPherson last week. He believed considerable information was gained by attending. He said his crews are still gaveling Hyde Road. There are plans to build a new bridge at 200 and J Roads.
Jason Vetter from the Noxious Weed Department gave the Commissioners an update on the floor leveling project in his office building. The leveling job can be done soon with sanding and smoothing of the floor included. Once that is done a decision will need to be made as to the need to apply epoxy the floor.
Missy McGinnis, Director of the Emergency Medical Services, reported she had spoke to American Ag and they have received the rebuilt motor for the ambulance. She expects the work to be completed this week.
McGinnis told the Commissioners that Mark Noah had informed her that the deed to the land adjacent to the ambulance barn had ben all cleared up and she was good to go to work on the building addition. The Commissioners suggested that she contact local contractors TREB, Senger Construction, and Johnny Brummer to see if they had interest bidding on the new ambulance building.
McGinnis requested a ten-minute executive session to discuss patient confidentiality. No decisions were made as a result of that closed session.
McGinnis said an EMT class in currently in progress. She believes one or perhaps two of the students might be interested in employment with the ambulance service.
McGinnis reported a mass casualty disaster drill will be held by the end of he month. It will not be as ambitious as the last drill. She also said a school shooter drill is in the works. Many responders do not have adequate training in this situation.
Sheriff Tony Perez was on hand to talk about the cost of prisoner meals. He said when the numbers were high due to housing Saline County offenders, the price per meal was low because of the volume. Now that the numbers have dropped considerably, the cost of each prisoner meal is $8.90. Because of legal mandates there are restrictions governing the type of meal that can be served in the jail.
A brief discussion of the boot policy was addressed. The simple fact of the matter is that sheriff's officer dress allowances is directed by State statute. The program has been in effect for as long as anybody present could remember. With that said, the Commissioners and Perez hoped this would end discussion of the policy.
Having addressed all items on the printed agenda, the meeting was adjourned.