By Terry Bailey
The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their weekly meeting at the Courthouse Monday morning, April 15. All Commissioners and the County Clerk were present.
Marty Hernandez said that there will be an Open House for the new Road & Bridge Shop on May 10 from 1-3 pm. Refreshments will be provided.
The Commissioners discussed the multi-county meeting held in Concordia last Wednesday. The felt everyone gained knowledge and understanding from the get together. They would support a schedule of one or two similar meetings a year.
Julie Willoughby, representing DVACK (Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas), was present to ask the Commissioners to join with other Kansas counties to declare the month of April Sexual Abuse Awareness Month. The Commissioners voted to do so.
Mike Danehey, manager of the Solomon Valley Feedlot east of town, was present to talk about his pipeline. This will carry liquid waste sludge from holding ponds just south of the feedlot to his crop land east of the feedlot. He believe this is a good way remove the runoff and put it to good use.
Cortney Murrow, Mitchell County Health Nurse, informed the Commissioners regarding the Community Baby Shower. It has been held in the past with great success. The Shower will be held at the Technical College. It will be limited to 30 participants. Interested people should call the Health Department to get registered.
Murrow said she has a plan to expend the money left from the COVID programs. She requested permission to buy a pharmaceutical grade refrigerator in the amount of $6,217 and a pharmaceutical freezer for $1,999. She also requested $75 for delivery of the two items. The Commissioners approved the purchase.
Murrow requested a 15-minutes executive session to discuss trade secrets of a corporation. No decisions were made as a result of this closed session.
David Dohe came in to talk about outside burning. It seems as if people still want to do burning in spite of the drought conditions and high winds. This is very dangerous. Burning should be not approved until the conditions improve.