BELOIT CITY COUNCIL – Wednesday, May 15, 2024

By Terry Bailey

The Beloit City Council conducted their regular bi-weekly business meeting at City Hall on Wednesday, May 15. All the members were present with the exception of Lee McMillan. Also attending was City Manager Halley Robinson, City Attorney Katie Schroeder, and City Clerk Amanda Lomax.
Councilor Andrew Grabon wanted to remind everyone that school will end on Friday, May 17, and lots of kids of all ages will be here, there, and everyone will be enjoying their newfound freedom. He urged everyone to be particularly cautious as they drive around town.
City Manager Robinson told the Councilors that the SVED owns three parcels of land in the Business Park that have been hard to sell. The asking price for all three parcels is $40,000. She told the Council that it might be necessary to reduce the asking price for the land since it has been on the market for well over twenty years.
The meeting with the RWD #2 at the lake went quite well as they discussed access to water from the lake. She said, "There appears that there are no roadblocks on that topic."
The Chief of Police Chad Lackey gave another one of his informative presentations to the Council. He reported that he attended a statewide Chiefs of Police conference in South Central Kansas. He said over 150 Police Chiefs were present. The conference offered many presentation that were pertinent to all Chiefs in attendance.
Lackey told the Council that he distributed 28 doses of NARCAN to USD #243 to use as needed. He is now working with the St. John's schools and will distribute an equal amount to that school after the training is complete.
With school out and the Memorial Day weekend coming up, Lackey said his officers will be patrolling the streets of the City to assist motorists as needed.
The Kids Café program is upcoming and that has been a favorite of the police officers. The officers enjoy attending this and interacting with the young people.
The Council approved a special event license for the Kettle for their upcoming anniversary celebration.
The Council approved a purchase/lease agreement with the Solomon Valley Bank to finance the latest police vehicle at 5.20%. This was the lowest of three bids for the three-year lease.
A memo of understanding with Eric and Jennifer Eilert was approved for the East Side Drainage Project.
A contract was approved with the Ditch Diggers for horizontal boring in the amount of $102,000. This was the lowest of five bids submitted.
A Special Event license was approved for the Class of 1966 for a get-together at the White Building in the Chautauqua Park.
A special event license was approved for a dance on Court Street.
Emily Benedick told the Council that the Wayfinding Sign Project is closer to reality.
City Manager Robinson discussed possible activity at the Airport. The tentative plans are to close one of the grass airstrips and use that area to construct hangers. She said at the current time, the Federal Government money for such projects is quite favorable but who knows how long that might last. If all goes well, one new hanger could be constructed in 2025 with perhaps 15 more to follow.