By Terry Bailey

The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their weekly business meeting at the Courthouse Monday morning, June 24. All Commissioners and the County Clerk were present.
There were no business items on the weekly agenda, so the Commissioners took advantage of the open time to discuss pending items of importance and upcoming issues for the County.
Commission Chairperson Tom Claussen announced that the next meeting would take place on July 1. Because July has five Mondays and the Commission only meets four times a month, there will be no meeting on Monday, July 29.
The County Budget workday will take place on Monday, July 8. This time will be devoted to putting together the 2025 County Budget. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE BUDGET AND HOW THE COUNTY MONEY IS SPENT IS INVITED TO ATTEND AND WATCH OR TAKE PART. This meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. and is open to the public. These budget deliberations will take place in the Commissioners meeting room.
The Commissioners discussed a proposed high voltage electrical transmission line running approximately 800 miles from Spearville, Kansas, to a town in Indiana. This will be the largest line that will have been built in the state. It will be carrying the largest amount of energy of a transmission line in Kansas. It is believed eminent domain will be used to acquire the land. The transmission line will require a 5-mile swath for the transmission line of land going through or touching on up to 16 counties.  They have to do this because people will not be able to live with this five-mile strip due to the tremendous amount of energy being transferred through this line. The toxins it emits may cause cancer. There are numerous other health hazards to be concerned with.
At this point solid information is not available but it appears to be a project that will cause considerable discussion.
The Commissioners took time to look at solutions to the ever-increasing cost of health insurance for county employees. With the County budget being put together on July 8 decisions will need to be made on that date regarding how to hold the line on health care insurance costs.
Jim Marshall, the Mitchell County representative to the LEPG group, reported that in recent action Republic County withdrew its membership in the group and Ottawa County joined the group. This is the group that oversees septic systems, well drilling and other activities that affect the water quality of the member counties.
Having addressed all the business before them, the meeting was adjourned.