BELOIT CITY COUNCIL – Wednesday, February 19, 2025

By Terry Bailey

The Beloit City Council conducted their regular bi-weekly meeting at City Hall on Wednesday evening, February 19, 2025. All Councilors were present. Also in attendance were Katie Schroeder, City Attorney, Amanda Lomax, City Clerk, and Chad Lackey, Beloit Chief of Police.
One activity of special note was a presentation conducted by Chief of Police Chad Lackey. On January 6, an incident where shots were fired within the City Limits took place. The suspects then barricaded themselves in a house and resisted giving themselves over to the authorities. A tense standoff then took place.
Lackey told the Council that excellent teamwork was exhibited by all Sheriff's Department and City officers. Lackey also emphasized the importance of cooperation and communication exhibited by all those present and a safe resolution to the standoff took place with no injuries to any of those involved.
Lackey said, "We had quite a few officers on hand and all parties exhibited great skills in such a situation. That is why we train for such incidents."
Lackey went on to say, "While everyone performed well, three officers exhibited skills and behavior well about what was expected."
Officer Isaiah Tipton, Beloit officer, Deputy Jason Miner, County Sheriff's department, and Officer Sam Caito, Beloit officer, were presented plaques memorializing the significance of their efforts.
The City Councilors expressed their appreciation to the three officers for their exemplary action in a time of great danger.
City Attorney Katie Schroeder told the Council that she is reworking the 30-year contract with the Beloit Golf Course to provide effluent water for irrigation purposes. Schroeder said with a slight chuckle, "The new contract will not be for 30 years again."
City Manager Halley Roberson said that approval for the wording for the USDA bids for the water treatment plant will be sharpened up this week and should be ready to go out next week. She said that once the final total for the work in determined, funding sources can be determined.
Work on the Walnut/8th Street traffic corridor is also going well. Bids for the work will go out on March 8. As with the water treatment plant work, it will help to know the exact cost of the planned work.
A brief discussion was conducted on possible new configurations for the Council Meeting Chambers and of the acoustic challenges for a sound system for the gym.
FAA has directed the location for the new city hangar at Moritz Airport. Additionally Olssen Engineering was named as the official engineering firm for the new hangar.
The Council approved Ordinance #2366, assessment for the demolition of the building located at 520 Elliot.
Resolution #2025-8 was approved, declaring an unfit structure at 617 North Pine.
Manny Milbers was named as the voting delegate from Beloit to the KMEA Board.
A 15-minute time period was observed for the Council to discuss non-elected personnel. The Council recessed that meeting and then opened a second 45 minute-meeting.
At the end of that time period the business meeting was completed and with no work session scheduled, the meeting was adjourned.