By Terry Bailey

The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their regular weekly meeting at the Courthouse on Monday morning, February 24. All Commissioners were present as well as the County Clerk.
Lynn Imboden updated the Commissioners on the repair/replacement of the County time clock. At the last meeting, she had a bid for $36,367 for a new clock to replace the current one now in use. After conducting thorough research, she discovered methods of updating the software in the time clock. Rather than buying a new clock, the current one can be updated and made as good as new for $11,225. The Commissioners voted to update the old software rather than buy a new clock.
Julie Willoughby from DVACK, Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas, was present and discussed Teen Dating Violence. It is much more widespread that people know. The Commissioners signed a proclamation declaring the month of February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.
Marty Hernandez, Superintendent of Public Works, reported that his mechanics at the new County shop building successfully rebuilt a transmission for a motor grader for a cost of $5,000. Hernandez reported that if the work had been outsourced to a private vendor the cost would have exceeded $50,000. Because of the overhead cranes in the new shop and the extended ceiling height, they were able to perform the work "in house" at a considerable savings. They have recently rebuilt the undercarriage one of the Caterpillar tractors. When the figures have been crunched Hernandez expects a comparable savings.
The Commissioners then drove to Smith Center to participate the regular four-county meeting. One topic of interest was the cost of mental health care for county employees. Also discussed were the respective land fill fees. Mitchell County's fees allow the landfill to break even and to operate on a stand-alone basis.